Planting Food is the Peaceful Revolution
Why community food security is the answer to todays threats to freedoms
Why community food security is the answer to todays threat to our freedom
Ever since the world started shutting down I’ve been on a mission to plant food. In fact at no time in my life have I been more focused and motivated to perform just one simple and profound task. It is by far the most important thing we can be doing for ourselves and our communities. In the uncertainty of today with widespread government lockdowns on an unprecedented global scale food security is more critical than ever. In communities like the one I live in, food security is something that has been a concern for years that could be the key to fight poverty, malnutrition, hunger and raise the quality of life for all.
And it’s deeper than just this. Planting food is the peaceful revolution.
I am a guest in the country where I reside and it pains me to see, like in many parts of the world, people take the narrative dictated to them by the government and media about what is going on in the world. Here like many countries people are starting to question the narrative as the true numbers are being released about how deadly this virus actually is and the facts around how it spreads and the measures that are being employed are to further our consent for control by the government and the corporations that are funding the government to keep their products selling during the lockdowns. It isn’t hard to see who are getting richer and who are suffering through these times and see that this Plandemic is lining the pockets of the big multinational corporations while small businesses are taking a major fall. In the USA small ma’ and pa’ business remain closed while the big box stores are open. Here in Guatemala alcohol, Coca Cola and other big processed food brands are being delivered while the small farmers are restricted to distribute their harvests. I find myself daily thinking that if this were my country and I was not a guest I’d be rising up and protesting. If I were in the United States you bet I’d be holding a picket sign in front of city hall and working every angle I could to educate the population and local government as to what is really happening.
While many of my spiritual friends that see the inequalities and biases of this time choose to take a peaceful route and just wait this out as their freedoms are being stripped away I choose now to be an activist.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke
This quote rings in the back of my head like the liberty bell being struck on a crisp spring morning. The people who see through the lies and conspiracy of the elite and controlling parties are seemingly sitting back and watching everything unfolding, holding global meditations and abiding by the draconian rules bestowed upon them. I’m shocked that we all haven’t taken to the streets to demand our freedoms to gather and move about freely. I’m amazed at how easy it was for the governments to turn populations into prisoners on house arrest due to no fault of our own and no real evidence that these measures are actually effective or necessary.
But I digress. I am a guest in this country and out of respect, like visiting a dear friend’s family home, I will be mindful of the local customs, albeit newly enacted. I don’t want to ruffle any feathers or make people uncomfortable since they believe that a mask is going to help them stay safe from this not so deadly and totally curable virus. But it’s not to say I’m not revolting against the true enemy, Fear. Ultimately what this war is about is the fear of death, one I let go of years ago embracing it as a part of this beautiful journey here on this planet and only pray that I do not suffer as suffering is the hell in our religious texts but death is merely the peaceful transition home. What I feel is on the brink now is more suffering for the people. The President here is threatening a 15 day complete shutdown to stop the spread of the virus. This would be 15 days of total isolation in our homes, no farmers can plant food, no businesses can open and no one can go to the store to buy food. What this effect would have on the population is unimaginable misery and suffering. What happens in a couple months when there is no food to harvest because for 2 weeks, nothing got planted? Oh, that’s right, we will have an unlimited supply of processed and packaged foods ready to perpetuate the problem of malnourishment, hunger and poverty here in Guatemala. Afterall who will have any money to buy this food when no one has been allowed to continue their livelihoods for weeks? Here, where there has been a longstanding prejudice against the indigenous nation by the ruling elite, it doesn’t seem to bother them that the underserved and impoverished will suffer even greater tragedy, hunger and loss of life and deeper poverty, while the ones making the policies will be getting takeout and groceries delivered to their comfortable homes while they continue to work online. In a sense this is another attempt at genocide by the ruling elite against the Mayan people.
So here is where I am stepping into action. Now, more than anytime before, is the topic of food security on a local level more pressing. All over the world in big cities and small rural towns we need to be planting our own food to fight these inequalities and disruptions in our economies. The future of what this can mean is ultimate freedom independent of any monetary system or government control.
We stand in the midst of the greatest transition in our recent history on this planet. We as a species are at a crossroads with many paths ahead of us to choose from. The powerful elites are pushing us towards one world government control with a single currency to enslave the masses while the answer I believe is small connected communities and decentralized currencies like the tribal instinct that survives deep in our DNA. This is the ancient future for humanity. We need to go back to our past and seek out civilizations’ innate drive to form into tribes, create communities on a local level to band against one world governance, surveillance capitalism and technocracy. The answer to all of this is providing basic needs for our independent tribes, the most vital is that of our food and medicine.
For this reason I am supporting the efforts of projects like Huertos Para Todos, a grassroots organization here in San Marcos la Laguna, to provide family and community gardens throughout our community. We are an army of peaceful warriors in action. Supported by small businesses, national and local government and community leaders we are doing the most important role in our community, providing food security. This is the teach a man to fish model over the give a man a fish model. In many countries there is talk of handing out a minimum wage to all citizens, this inevitably will come with mandatory compliance into vaccinations and microchipping and other compliance to government regulations. Providing basic necessities is at the community level to care for our neighbor for we have seen that it is not the priority of the federal governments during these times. Our basic freedoms are contingent on our own sovereignty.
The best part about this revolution is that no one can question the validity of it’s intent. Whether you believe the mainstream narrative or the “conspiracy theories” everyone can agree that our food security is the most important to human life. For a government to deny our right to grow food would clearly expose an agenda of outright cruelty to humankind and I don’t believe any government can justify such an agenda. So the peaceful revolution is one of our collective coming together to provide basic needs for all and to be sovereign from our government structures and FIAT currencies that are the current means of global control.
If you would like to learn more about the Huertos Para Todos (Orchards for All) project and how to get organized to provide food security for your community please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @huertosparatodosgt and join the Facebook Group to get involved.