Welcome to "Wellness-Driven Design", a unique intersection of design aesthetics and holistic wellness. I'm Carley, your guide on this insightful journey. I bring my expertise as a general contractor passionate about natural building and permaculture, and a wellness expert with a deep understanding of nutrition and natural medicine.

At "Wellness-Driven Design", we delve deeper into the intricate relationship between our physical spaces and our well-being. We explore how to design homes and workspaces that are not just visually pleasing, but also support our health and wellness. We discuss sustainable materials, decluttering techniques, and the principles of Feng Shui to enhance our connection with our surroundings.

But our discussions go beyond design. A significant part of this journey involves educational posts about natural health and wellness. We delve into topics like the benefits of different foods, the power of essential oils, the importance of mindfulness, and many more exciting aspects of natural medicine. These posts aim to empower you with knowledge, inspiring you to make healthful choices and create a lifestyle that nurtures your well-being.

Join me as we explore the fascinating worlds of design and wellness and how they intertwine to create a better living experience. Subscribe to "Wellness-Driven Design" today, and let's take a step towards designing spaces that serve our health and happiness. Welcome to a world where your surroundings truly nurture you!

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Wellness-Driven Design


Space Designer passionate about wellness. Merging aesthetics & health through 'Wellness-Driven Design'. Advocate for natural building, permaculture & natural health education.